Tuesday, 21 April 2015


We have started off our unit about measurement by looking at non-standard units of measurement. 

We have been measuring our height with popsicle sticks, matchsticks and pens.  We have measured distance in footsteps and handspans.

Some are accurate and some aren't (Anaru)

We shouldn't do all of our measuring in non standard because it's all not the same (Charlotte)

Our feet are all different sizes so all the measurements are different (Ella)

Our handspans are different because our hands are bigger and smaller (Tiana)

When we measure our body with popsicle sticks it's all different because some of us are taller and shorter (Sela)

We took steps to the pig pen from our class and I took 145 steps, Rawiri took 140 and Raukawa took 143 (Kruz)

The distance doesn't change, it just means that people have bigger and smaller shoes (Victoria)

If Miss J told us to measure a big long distance it would take forever!

The girls measuring around Ella

Loads of measurement going on. 

Measuring Amy.  

Kruz didn't have as many popsicle sticks as anyone else

Neha was measuring footsteps to the pig pen


  1. This looks like so much fun! We like how you used Popsicle sticks to measure
    From the responsible rhinos

  2. We're learning about measurement too. We learned about long and short (Natalia). We had to get something long and something short (William).


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