Monday, 9 March 2015

Crocodile Creche

Today we read a journal story about baby crocodiles.  The mum crocodile lays the egg in a nest and then watches it until the babies make noise.  Then she comes back and carries them in her mouth to the water.  She looks after them for a while and then they are on their own.  Only some survive.  They start in eggs that are 5-8 cms long and end up big as!

We made some pic collages as a follow up.  


  1. Great too the understanding you got from reading this article. I wonder if crocodiles do the same thing with their young?

  2. Your crocodile pictures are cool! We loved looking at your work. Thank you for sharing your learning with us. Crocodiles are super awesome.

    From the Marvellous Moose


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